Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Use markdown to build -

After 15 days, it seems I build nothing on the website, but I have something to talk. My most concern is I have to use a powerful editor such as vim which will make changes on pages more easily and more controllable.

Markdown: Basically it is two things. One, a light-markup language, the syntax is similar to emacs-wiki I have used to write notes before, and I can use the language in vim to write pages. Second, a perl software tool to convert the written markdown to html.

Markup RW plugin: It is a Rapidweaver plugin, it support markdown language, thus I can use markdown in Rapidweaver, also the plugin contains a bash interface, which could be most meaningful to me -- a programmer.

Blocks: fromPaul,it seems that Blocks is a must have plugin with rapidweaver. The price is an issue, compared to RW (36CAD with coupon), it costs 26CAD, is it valuable to spent for just a plugin. Right now, I think it is worth after I bought it online, it provides me a simple way to design my website as I am not a designer, so I feel great although I need to figure out the usage such as use page blocks, html blocks or align images, etc. One good thing to me is Blocks works with the markup plugin. It is obviously that markdown can be used in blocks.

webyep: NOT choosed as a result.

PlusKit: it supports Markdown and bash, but I have difficulty to use it with blocks, don't know why.

accordion: Anthor beautiful plugin from yourhead, I see some nice samples but not got a chance to try, would like to investe the use with it.